Sunday, August 20, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Millennium Park August 2006

A group of us took the train to Chicago to see the "Bean". It's actual name is Cloud gate. I don't care what people call it, it's cool either way. There are also two 50 foot tall towers with water cascading down them. They face each other and in between is an area where kids (or even adults, I suppose) can splash around. And somehow, on the towers images of faces are projected from the inside. Way cool! Every so often the faces make a kissy face and a huge stream of water shoots out of the mouth!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Camping in MI. July 2006

This is our 2nd annual neighborhood camping trip. We made the same trip last year and loved it so much we decided to do it again! I have never camped before. There is alot of dirt involved, but once you get past that, it's not so bad. The kids love everything about it. There was a creek for them to splash around in, not ot mention the beautiful beach right on Lake Michigan!
And at this particular park (Weko Beach), every evening just at sunset, a bugler plays Taps to honor veterans. The picture of the kids all sitting on a bench is from the one night we went to the beach to listen.
The picture of Quentin where it looks like he's trying to kiss Harrison through a screen is actually him talking to a "walking stick" bug, and Harrison just happened to be inside the kitchen tent.